The Lion’s Gate Portal Ceremony

by Amakizia

Welcome, dear souls, to the sacred gathering where we come together to honor the celestial alignment known as the Lion’s Gate Portal. Under the guidance of Amakizia, we embark on a journey to connect the ancient energies of the Serbian pyramids with the timeless wisdom of the Egyptian pyramids in Giza.

As we gather here, surrounded by the golden light of the sun, we create a web of light that spans across the globe, uniting us all in a sacred bond of unity and healing. Together, we invoke the power of the Sphinx, guardian of the threshold, to open the portal to new realms of consciousness and transformation.
In the presence of the divine beings, including the mighty Isis, the wise Osiris, and the radiant Horus, we align ourselves with the ancient wisdom that flows through the ages. With their guidance, we open ourselves to receive the healing energies and new Earth codes that are available to us during this auspicious time.

As we embark on this journey, we call upon the interstellar beings to support us in our endeavors. Together, we open the stargate, allowing us to connect with the celestial realms of Venus, Arcturus, Lyra, Sirius, the Pleiades, and beyond. In their presence, we remember our connection to the stars and our place in the vast cosmos.

With hearts open and spirits lifted, let us embrace the magic of this moment and celebrate the abundance of blessings that flow freely to us. May this Lion’s Gate Portal Festival be a beacon of light and love, illuminating our path as we journey onward in our quest for truth, wisdom, and unity.